🌤Good morning compatriots!


📆 Today

02/03/2023 is Thursday, the 61st day of the year, 304 days remain until the end of the year.

🔹 Expected throughout the day
☀️ Open air 21° ... 11°
Precipitation: 0%
Clouds: 12%
Humidity: 36%
Wind: 3.08 m/s
Pressure: 764 mm wire. above
Sunrise: 07:06
Sunset: 18:26

💸 Exchange rates

🇺🇿 Central Bank date: 02.03.2023
1 🇺🇸 Dollar = 11,349.99 UZS
1 🇪🇺 Euro = 12,078.66 UZS
1 🇬🇧 Pound = 13,697.17 UZS
1 🇷🇺 Ruble = 150.90 UZS
1 🇨🇳 Yuan = 1,650.12 UZS
1 🇰🇷 Won = 8.69 UZS
1 🇹🇷 Lira = 600.96 UZS
1 🇹🇲 Manat = 3,247.49 UZS
1 🇰🇿 Tenge = 25.77 UZS
1 🇹🇯 Somoni = 1,040.81 UZS
1 🇰🇬 Som = 129.79 UZS
infi.uz - web page

We wish you a good mood during the day.